Monday, July 26, 2010

In Ground Pools

In Ground Pools

Although above ground swimming pools may be cheaper to buy, easier to install, and cheaper to operate, a lot of people prefer to have in ground pools. In groung swimming pools provide you with a lot more room to swim, and a lot more space. Those of you who have families or a lot of friends who love to swim, would greatly benefit from having one of these pools.

In ground swimming pools are long lasting, as they are designed with cement on the sides and along the bottom. They are a bit more expensive than above ground swimming pools, although they are more than worth the money you spend. Depending on your needs, you can have your in ground pool built to your liking, such as a shallow end for kids and a deep end for diving.

Installing an in ground swimming pool will take a bit more time than above ground pools, which only take a few hours. To install an in ground pool, the contractor will need to dig a hole in the ground, then set up the framework outside of the hole. Once this is finished, he will pour some sand in the bottom of the this hole, then set the liner up.

With in ground pools, you’ll have a few different types of material that you can select for the liner. The most common and preferred is vinyl, which is also the most attractive. Vinyl liners are also better for winter as well. If you live in an area that is well known for winter, you may want to go with a vinyl liner for your swimming pool.

Fiberglass and concrete are also excellent liners as well. Fiberglass liners are constructed in a factory from fiberglass reinforced plastic then worked with until it resembles a really large bathtub. Unlike vinyl liners, you won’t need to replace fiberglass. In the end, you can save a lot of money and time by using a fiberglass liner.

Concrete liners are also great, and are one of the most common ways to line your in ground swimming pool. If you are using concrete, you can also have your pool custom poured, giving you the design you want. Concrete lasts for years and years, and like fiberglass liners, it doesn’t need to be replaced. You can also add to the look of this liner as well, by using tile or finishing the concrete liner with plaster.

In ground swimming pools are great for families who love to swim, or those who want to have the biggest swim pool possible. Even though they take a lot of time to build and cost a lot of money, they are more than worth it in the end - when you walk outside and see what you have with your own eyes.

Have fun,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Why is Barbequing So Popular?

Why is Barbequing So Popular?

Barbequing is an American tradition. Each year, statistics show that at least 90% of families attend at least one barbeque party or celebration. About 40% of families delight in throwing parties that center around the idea of barbequing. With statistics like that, one must wonder why barbequing is such a popular event and tradition.

First, barbequing or grilling allows you to create a meal that is unmatched by any other type of cooking. The grilled smell and taste will perk up even the pickiest meat eater.

A variety of meats and side dishes are used when barbequing. Traditionally, families cook pork, beef, and fish on their grills. When visiting your local grocery store, look for meats that are specifically cut and packaged for barbequing. If you do not find pre packaged meats, then chances are spices, marinates, and kits for grilling are somewhere near by.

Traditional side dishes include potato salad, beans, and coleslaw. These sides work well with the variety of meats available and are easy to prepare and store until it is time to eat.

Your traditional condiment bar should include pickles, relish, and onions.

Different types of grills will present different types of flavors. Charcoal and smoker grills present a natural “smoked” flavor which is one of the most known tastes of barbequing. Smokers even allow you to control slight changes in the favor of the meat by using different types of woods. Alternatively, propane grills allow grillers to cook their meals faster, but still have a grilled flavor.

Some grills have the ability to come with many different types of cooking surfaces. These different cooking surfaces include a BBQ surface, a flat grill, and a ribbed grill. Some grills even offer these types of surfaces as none stick, which allow you to cook a whole array of foods that you would not be able to cook on a grill otherwise. You will be able to cook your whole meal, including side dishes if you plan correctly. Some gas grills even contain a Wok type surface for cooking pasta and rise dishes, or a full rotisserie set that allows you to cook rotisserie chicken.

Another reason barbequing is so popular is the fact that it gives you a reason to hold a party or celebration.

Outdoor parties not only allow your guests to be present during the cooking of the meal, but also give them the opportunity to be with friends.

Themed parties are always fun for your family and guests. Festive decorations can be found at any local party or general store. You may also consider purchasing decorations that can be stored and reused at a different time, such as reusable tablecloths and Tiki torches. Give your clambake a beach theme by adding tropical music and you may even consider adding some sand.

Finally, barbequing is popular because it can be considered a hobby as well. Barbequing, like anything else in life, takes time and practice. It can be fun to play and experiment with different techniques and recipes. Once you have developed a like for barbequing, then you can focus on creating your own variations on traditional recipes and ideas.

Barbequing is typically thought of as a summer event, but some diehard fans of barbeque will not think twice about breaking out their barbeque grills right in the middle of winter.

Have fun,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Popular Water Activities for the Backyard

Popular Water Activities for the Backyard

Each summer, millions of families head outdoors. Many times, they head to their own backyards. While being outdoors is nice, it can also be hot. In many areas of the United States, the temperature rises to beyond comfortable, especially during the summertime. Hot weather does not mean that you and your family should stay inside; however, you may want to think about backyard activities that can help you stay cool. You will find that many of these activities are centered on water.

Perhaps, one the best ways to stay cool in the summertime is to go for a swim. Many families own a swimming pool. If you do, it is a great way for you and your family to have fun. Despite the fact that many families have a pool, not all do. If you do not have a swimming pool, you may want to think about purchasing one. While most in-ground and aboveground pools are expensive, there are a few cheaper alternatives. These alternatives may include inflatable aboveground pools or kiddie pools. Most of these pools can be purchased for a reasonable price.

If you are unable to have a pool, even an inexpensive one, you do not have to worry. There are still a number of other fun backyard water activities that you and your family can enjoy. One of those activities may include a water gun fight. Water gun fights are a great way to cool off, but they are also a lot of fun. Individuals of all ages, include adults, small children, and teens, love playing with water guns. If you don’t already own water guns, you should be able to purchase them for a reasonable price. They should be available for purchase at a number of popular retail stores.

In addition to water guns, water balloons are another fun backyard water activity. Large or small water balloon packages can be purchased from most retail stores, including dollar stores. Water balloons are great for individuals of all ages; both adults and children seem to enjoy them. Similar to water guns, water balloons are a fun, exciting, and competitive backyard activity.

Competitive and interactive water games are great for excitement; they are not right for everyone. If you are looking for a more civilized way to cool off, you may want to consider purchasing a water sprinkler. A water sprinkler, once connected to a hose, will spray water. Depending on the water sprinkler you purchase, water will often spray in a number of different directions. While water sprinklers are ideal for all households, they are great for those that are without a pool or limited on space.

To participate in many of the above mentioned water activities, such as water balloon fights or water gun fights, you may want to have access to a garden hose. Most water guns and water balloons can be filled up with a kitchen sink; however, it may convenient to use a water hose. Not only will a water hose make it easier to keep on playing, it may also help to keep your house clean and dry. With an outdoor water hose, there is no reason why anyone should be entering your home with, potentially messy, water toys.

Whether you make the decision to participate in one of above mentioned backyard water activities or all of them, you are almost always guaranteed a good time. Cooling off in the summer and playing with your friends or family, what could be better than that?

Have fun,

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunbathing: A Relaxing Backyard Activity

Sunbathing: A Relaxing Backyard Activity

Each year, millions of men and women head to their local tanning salons. While indoor tanning is a great way to get a tan, it is not the only way. It seems as if many tanners have forgotten what they have, right in their own backyard. If you are a tanner, especially one that spends a fairly large amount of money on indoor tanning, you are encouraged to consider backyard tanning. Backyard tanning has an unlimited number of benefits, many of which you many find useful and money saving.

Before you can begin to understand the benefits of backyard sunbathing, it is important to keep one thing in mind. Tanning is not necessarily considered a safe activity. Tanning, especially in large amounts, has been known to create a number of different health problems. One of those problems is a potentially deadly one, skin cancer. While many forms of skin cancer are treatable, there are others that are not. Before making the decision to head outside, it is advised that you give this serious sunbathing risk some thought. After careful examination, you may decide that the risks are not worth the short-term results.

While most individuals are familiar with skin cancer, there is another health concern that many are largely unaware of. In addition to skin cancer, sunbathing can also cause premature aging of the skin. For many tanners, this makes them look older than they really are, not in a good way either. What is deceiving about tanning is that you will look great in the moment, but skin damage will accumulate overtime. This means that although your skin may not show signs of aging now, it could in a few years.

After you have examined the above mentioned risks, such as premature aging of the skin and skin cancer, you should then decide whether or not tanning is right for you. If you feel that it is, you may want to head out to your own backyard, instead of visiting your local tanning salon. As previously mentioned, there are literally an unlimited number of benefits to tanning in your own backyard. Just a few of those benefits many include free tanning and a relaxed environment.

The main reason why tanning in your own backyard is cheaper than tanning salons is because the sun is free. As long as you have a clear space in your backyard, you should be able to soak up some of the sun’s rays. Doing so will not cost you any money at all; however, visiting your local tanning salon will. The amount of money it will cost to go tanning indoors will all depend on the tanning salon that you visit. Despite these different fees, many tanning salons charge around ten dollars a week. That means that a years worth of tanning could exceed five hundred dollars. With backyard tanning, you could put that money to better use.

One of the many reasons why indoor tanning beds are popular is because they are convenient. Many individuals schedule a tanning session after work or during one of their breaks. Although tanning can be considered convenient, in a way, it is also inconvenient. Not only will you have to drive to the tanning salon, pay to tan, but you will also have to wait your turn. Backyard tanning can be done at just about any time and you don’t have to worry about unnecessary travel.

Backyard tanning is also popular because, in many ways, it is relaxing. In many tanning salons, tanners are allowed to bring in headphones, but that is it. With backyard tanning you do not have to cram yourself into a small machine. Instead, you are free to move around. While tanning you could not only listen to music, but read a book, do your homework, work on additional projects, go for a swim, or even play outdoor sports. You can almost always achieve a tan, whether you are lying down or up moving around.

While backyard tanning has it benefits, these benefits may not be right for you. You can still continue to visit your local tanning salon, but you may also want to combine it with backyard sunbathing. Tanning salon appointments may still be needed, but you may not need to make them as often.

Have fun,